Important stuff
There are important things you should know before starting any of our self-guided walks or following our advice.

Canberra Dog Walks assumes you are a responsible dog owner who has effective control of their dog.
See our blog on dog training options in Canberra if you need help.
It's your responsibility to know the regulations relating to dogs in the ACT.
For information about off leash areas and regulations visit the ACT Government website. You can also see our summary of the most important things you need to know when walking your dog in Canberra.
Picking up after your dog is required in the ACT.
Bin locations are included in all our walking directions.
Dogs are allowed off leash on nearly all unfenced sports grounds or playing fields as long as formal sports or events aren't in progress.
Dogs are prohibited from being on the playing field itself while being used for formal sports or training, but it's worth checking the ACT Government dog off leash map for the specific detail of each playing field perimeter. Some areas immediately adjacent to playing fields are on leash (e.g. Griffith Neighbourhood Oval), some are off leash (e.g. Gordon Neighbourhood Oval), and when playing field areas are made up of several fields (e.g. the Mawson District Playing Fields) you may walk your dog off leash in an empty field, while sports are underway in adjacent fields.
Dogs are prohibited from fenced sports grounds, powered BBQ sites, children's playgrounds and most school grounds.
We identify children's playgrounds in our self-guided walking directions for the benefit of people walking with children, however ACT Government regulations require dogs to be at least 10 metres away from a playground if in use.
The cafés we identify as dog friendly have outside tables and the proprietors are tolerant of dogs.
However disruptive dogs may not be welcomed. See our blogs on café training your dog and where to find Canberra's best dog friendly cafés.
We've tried hard to provide accurate directions and advice, but things change and we can make mistakes.
If you've found an error in our information or changes since they were published please let us know using our contact form.
We have not received any inducements from organisations or businesses mentioned on this site.
If we recommend them it's because we think they are good.