Dog Blog

News and tips about dog friendly Canberra. Updated regularly.

group of dogs sitting for treats

Walking the dog? What you need to know in the ACT

The current ACT Government laws concerning dogs in public places were updated several years ago. But it's easy to be confused about these regulations and how they work in practice. Canberra Dog Walks has developed ...
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Canberra dog friendly accommodation

Where can you stay in Canberra if you want to bring your dog along and can't stay with friends or family? We kept getting asked this question, so we decided to scout out the best ...
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Canberra dog parks – fenced off leash areas

Canberra and nearby towns have lots of excellent fully fenced dog parks that provide safe, off leash areas for dogs to exercise and socialise - both essential for keeping your dog happy and healthy. Here's ...
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Canberra dog friendly wineries

Great wine, delicious food and all enjoyed with your furry best friend. Life can't get better than that. And you don't even have to stay at home to enjoy all three! We've made it our ...
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Canberra awesome autumn dog friendly walks

There's nothing more beautiful than Canberra in autumn. As long time locals, we've researched the best walks through the prettiest areas of Canberra, with a particular focus on dog-friendliness. Here's our favourites featuring awesome autumn ...
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Canberra off leash options for every dog

Whether your dog is outgoing or shy, wild or well-trained, friendly or behaviourally-challenged, there is a perfect off leash place in Canberra to suit your dog. We often get asked by dog owners where they ...
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Canberra dog swimming areas – our favourites

The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog (Ambrose Bierce) Is your dog a panting mess, flopped down under a tree or spread out on the kitchen floor tiles getting under your ...
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Canberra dog friendly cafés – our favourites

As dog-loving and coffee-loving locals, we've pursued the very pleasurable mission of exploring Canberra to find the very best dog friendly cafés. Canberra has some wonderful hidden café gems - great coffee, fresh food, dog ...
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Canberra dog friendly cafés – doggie etiquette

Canberra has some great dog friendly cafés, but let's make sure our pooches continue to be welcomed. Here's some tips on doggie café etiquette and how to achieve it. And when you've finished reading this, check ...
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Canberra dog walking groups – how to meet up

Looking for the opportunity to meet up with other dog owners and their dogs for playdates or group walkies around Canberra? The Canberra community offers many options to get together with other like-minded dog owners. ...
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family pushing pram with dogs through park

Canberra pram friendly dog walks

Canberra Dog Walks features a range of dog friendly walks in Canberra that are also pram friendly. We've researched some fun walks that are paved the whole way, so you can definitely keep fit, take ...
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older lady with dog

Canberra pet friendly aged care

As you get older, especially if you're living alone, the bond with your dog can be very strong. They are your best friend, loyal companion and daily source affection. What happens if you need to ...
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Canberra best and friendliest dog off leash meeting places

Did you know that most Canberra neighbourhood ovals and lots of parks around our suburbs are designated dog off leash areas? Dog walkers in the know meet up in these areas, usually late afternoon, to ...
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Canberra dog training – where can I go for help?

Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend (Corey Ford) How do you make sure your cute puppy grows into a happy, well-mannered family member, or transform your older, delinquent dog into the perfect ...
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New dog off leash areas – have your say

UPDATE - Canberra Dog Walks has successfully lobbied to have many of the dog off-leash areas reinstated, which were taken away earlier in 2019. But there are still some areas which remain on-leash which were ...
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New dog walking laws – have your say

UPDATE - Since this was posted, the ACT Government agreed to drop the proposal to set a limit on how many dogs you can walk at one time. Thanks for all your support! The ACT ...
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