About others
Our recommendations and links to Canberra's best dog-related services.

Dog services directory
Head to Ngunnawal-Country.O4S. for your local Community Information Directory covering Yass to Tuggeranong and Bungendore to Weston Creek and listing dog-related services such as dog friendly accommodation, dog kennels, groomers, dog walkers, vet clinics, and more.
Dog regulations
The ACT Government's website contains detailed information about dog regulations in Canberra including maps illustrating off and on leash areas. For a quick summary, see our blog on what you need to know.
Dog training
The ACT Companion Dog Club is a terrific non-profit community organisation offering dog training classes at all levels plus lots of other fun activities.
The RSPCA Canberra offers basic obedience and socialisation classes and publishes a great book full of practical advice Turning your pet into your pal with 'life skills' pet dog training.
See our blog on where to get help for more options.
Dog walkers
Dog meet-ups
Canberra Dog Walks organises guided social group dog walks in different locations around Canberra through the 'meetup' platform. Go to the Canberra Dog Walks meetup page for info on upcoming social walks.
See our blogs for info on other Canberra dog and dog walking groups and social dog meeting places.
Dog friendly aged care
Pets & Positive Ageing is a committed Canberra-based volunteer community group providing free information and advice for older people about pet-friendly retirement villages and residential care options, as well as accessing pet support while living at home.
Dog community care
PAWS (pet assistance and wellbeing service) helps people who are frail or unwell and need help looking after their pet, either with walking, feeding, grooming or trips to the vet, or even temporary rehoming. The services are provided by volunteers and coordinated through Northside Community Service but available all over Canberra.
Dog photography
We can personally recommend two exceptional pet photographers: Ina Jalil available locally and Ruth O'Leary, a Sydney-based photographer who travels to Canberra from time to time.
General walking groups
Walkers without dogs can find comprehensive information about general walking groups on the National Heart Foundation's Walking site, which provides links to over 20 different groups throughout Canberra.
Dog services directory
Head to Ngunnawal-Country.O4S. for your local Community Information Directory covering Yass to Tuggeranong and Bungendore to Weston Creek and listing dog-related services such as dog friendly accommodation, dog kennels, groomers, dog walkers, vet clinics, and more.
Dog regulations
The ACT Government's website contains detailed information about dog regulations in Canberra including maps illustrating off and on leash areas.
Dog training
The ACT Companion Dog Club is a terrific non-profit community organisation offering dog training classes at all levels plus lots of other fun activities.
The RSPCA Canberra offers basic obedience and socialisation classes and publishes a great book full of practical advice Turning your pet into your pal with 'life skills' pet dog training.
See our Dog Blog for more options.
Dog walkers
We can highly recommend Pups4Fun for professional, reliable and experienced dog walking, doggie daycare, holiday care and puppy training classes. See happy clients on Facebook.
Dog meet-ups
Canberra Dog Walks organises guided group dog walks in different locations around Canberra through the 'meetup' platform. Go to the Canberra Dog Walks meetup page for info on upcoming walks.
See our blogs for info on other Canberra dog and dog walking groups and social dog meeting places.
Dog friendly aged care
Pets & Positive Ageing is a committed Canberra-based volunteer community group providing free information and advice for older people about pet-friendly retirement villages and residential care options, as well as accessing pet support while living at home.
Dog community care
PAWS - pet assistance and wellbeing service helps people who are frail or unwell and need help looking after their pet, either with walking, feeding, grooming or trips to the vet, or even temporary rehoming. The services are provided by volunteers and coordinated through Northside Community Service but available all over Canberra.
Dog photography
We can personally recommend two exceptional pet photographers: Ina Jalil available locally and Ruth O'Leary, a Sydney-based photographer who travels to Canberra from time to time.
General walking groups
Walkers without dogs can find comprehensive information about general walking groups on the National Heart Foundation's Walking site, which provides links to over 20 different groups throughout Canberra.